Ginger Milk Tea

Ajanya A K
4 min readMar 18, 2023


Hey guys, it’s around 6.30 pm. I’m sitting near the room heater on the floor, sipping some masala chai and Parle-G biscuits. Let me ask you a question: How would you judge a person who has no savings and decided to leave her restaurant job in London to relocate to Liverpool hoping for things to get better unlike in the city while the application for the graduate visa is just 2 months away?

Yes. Most of my friends asked me to not leave in this situation. But, why does a migratory bird migrate? I believe it is to conserve energy. That’s what I did, just that I’m not a bird but a human destined to pay bills just like you who is reading this. I will now tell the story of Miss. Brain- my lifelong companion who is responsible for my impulsive adventures!

Well, it is only after my migration that I faced the harsh reality of colder and windier days here to add fuel to my already grumpy Miss. Brain. It’s just that Miss. Brain is a hardcore lover of the sun that one day she just lies in the hot granite of her house to prove her love to Mr Sun. Long gone is her affair with Mr Sun.

Cold weather and I are lifelong enemies. Although I won’t deny the fact that the comfort of reaching home after a long cold walk is blissful. With the stress of not getting a job here comes the expectations of family, with the dull job market at this period of the year comes the anxiety of being a fresher and with the rising bills comes adjusting to a chilled bedroom. And with all of these thoughts deciding to make a parade together announced the arrival of an overwhelming gush of uncertainty accompanied by fear and helplessness: the two strong bodyguards to the most shunned guest among the prominent emotions.

Me being a good doctor to Miss. Brain helped her release this complex concoction in the form of salty liquid channelling through the eyes. I must reassure you it is the most efficient first aid for a tired brain. I didn’t stop there FYI. Following the first aid, I presented her with two options: turn up the heater and explore the world of deep slumber with the freedom of coming back anytime (a huge offer aint it?) and the second being a bit of manual task of making masala chai and consuming it with Parle-G biscuits for a fascinating result of dopamine surge.

Well, my brain chose the later option and decided to make masala chai. No cloves and no cardamom were present in the new kitchen cabinet as they were extensively used for making my favourite pulao several times. Moreover, no efforts were taken by Miss Brain to restock them due to the proximity issue of Asian supermarkets and not willing to attend a luxurious tea ceremony with cloves and cardamoms owing to the celebrity position they enjoy from time immemorial in the prestigious spice palace.

However, Ginger being one of my favourite roots always hangs out on the right shelf of the refrigerator with such humbleness. Because you know, ginger is my man Jeeves for all the complex riddles concerning cuisines. I know I’m deviating guys. But don’t you think it’s my responsibility to acknowledge Mr Ginger for his efforts to cheer me up?

So I made a good masala chai by asking ginger to float in the boiling water first and then adding a spoonful of tea powder from Tajmahal brand, my favourite choice for boiled tea. Well, we all know the secret guys- double-boil it after adding some milk and add sugar to your standards. I’m proud of my brain’s intelligent solution to the dilemma of the day.

Make a masala chai and within 2 sips, you will be sane! Here I am, writing an excerpt from the transient life of mine on the carpeted floor of my room beside the heater, almost finishing the tea and wrapping up the leftover biscuits. Oh yes I’m sane now. Thank you.

I hope y’all got the moral of my story. Give little presents to your tired brain and call Mr Ginger for any help! Oh dear, now my legs are numb! Haha, life always makes sure to give lemons isn’t it? And sometimes you gotta make a unicycle out of that lemon and learn to ride it!



Ajanya A K
Ajanya A K

Written by Ajanya A K

Snippets of life through my eyes.

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