We All Want To Be Heard
Don’t look at anyone for your needs, For the one who created you, waters you.
This is a very much optimistic thought put forward by Rumi. This will make you think positive in the gravest of situations.
Have you ever felt a longing for someone to come and rescue from the mishaps happening in your life?
I m pretty sure that everyone must have gone through this feeling of wanting to be heard.
Sometimes it’s just that we want someone beside us, just to listen to our problems.
They might ask you what happened, why are you upset… etc.
But all we want is an ear to listen to our complicated problems. In fact, we are talking to ourselves through the medium of another soul.
Why this thought inflicted me at this point of time is that I ‘ve recently gone through a couple of such situations.
There is a person whom I admire very much.
She is a teacher by profession. She has suffered a lot and has faced many traumatic things in life. Just like any other human life, she overcame many and is fighting many.
I felt it was predestined for us to meet and talk coincidentally. We didn’t connect instantly but I had a feeling that we would connect in future and yes it happened. It may be because of the respect that I give to her age( she is 10 years older than me) that I took a little while to get close to her.
But once we got the knack of it, it was magical. There was a lot of wise talking, most of them were philosophy but I couldn’t resist admitting that I found it extremely helpful talking to her.
Most of the lessons she taught me are solely from her experiences. It was not just facts extracted out of books, but real-life situations that she had gone through.
Sometimes she would just give me a call, a missed call. I would go to her room and would just sit beside her. After studying the expression on her face, I would decide to make my next move. Sometimes she would be upset. So I would just sit there, take a book, flip through it and when the time is right, I would casually ask her what happened. Most of the time she would reply but her tone sounds depressing mostly.
And then she would ask me about my day, about the college works, friends and we would try to have a normal talk after that.
Sometimes she would talk like an enlightened person. Words would come out of her mouth like pieces of wisdom. Other times, she would say very less and sleep.
There is something mysterious about this lady, I would think.
This is what I learned. The presence of someone who you are comfortable with or someone you love is an added energy to the person who is in pain of any kind.
Just listen to their problems. They are not expecting a reply most of the time. They are in fact speaking to themselves and trying to find a solution on their own. We are just assisting them to discover themselves.
We all want to be heard.